Freitag, 1. Mai 2015

The Edge.

A boy sits on the edge of a cliff.
He humbly looks into the infinite space that unfolds before him. Behind the boy, there is a tree, growing on the cliff, just not caring about the unlively conditions of the space around him. It stretches its branches into the wide galactic spectacle, as if searching for more. The boy looks and sighs. He soon grew tired of what is in front of him.

Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

The Riverstory.

Karēj was a young, tall man of muscular statue. While most of his head remained cleanly shaven, a line of long hair descended from the top of his head, assembled just over his neckin a loose ponytail and ended around his hips. Karēj was a hunter, his bare chest full of Tattoos and Scars. His chin had a sharp, defined edge that made you think he was unable to smile. His spear, which he inherited by his father, was all of his pride. He never parted from it.

Freitag, 24. April 2015


Ich laufe. Seit Stunden schon. Immer und immer weiter hinauf. Meine Beine schreien nach Erlösung. Jeder Stein unter meinen Füßen fühlt sich an wie ein Messer, das sich in meine Fußsohlen bohrt. Meine Kleider hängen mir durchnässt vom Leib. 'Ich kann nicht mehr!', sagt mein Körper.
'Weiter!', sagt meine Neugier.